We recognise the importance of sustainability for the world, the country we live in, our employees and our business partners. Under the heading of sustainability; inclusiveness, equal opportunities, business ethics and anti-corruption are our main areas of struggle. In addition to our Pro Bono practices and social responsibility projects, we endeavour to contribute to sustainability through our efforts to monitor and mitigate the environmental impacts and risks of our operations. While carrying out our activities, we pay attention to reduce our energy and natural resource consumption, reuse and recycle. Equal opportunity and income justice are the values that we place at the centre of our relations with society, business partners and employees. In this context, we have signed the Global Compact.
The Holding has adopted an accountable, transparent, and fair management approach that adheres to the values of business ethics. The Holding's management approach is reflected in the way of doing business that aims full compliance with laws and regulations, supports universal human rights principles, and adopts corporate citizenship as a fundamental understanding. The Holding, which prioritises universal values and the development of its country and constantly creates added value in this context, has adopted the principle of not adopting any political thought and not providing material, in-kind or moral support to political institutions or individuals. Managers and employees of Holding companies are regularly trained and audited on anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies.
Global Principles
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative with the signatures of 10,000 corporate participants and stakeholders from 145 different countries, is a set of principles based on universally accepted principles that support sustainable development and good corporate citizenship practices. The Global Compact calls on companies to align their strategies and operations with the universal principles of human rights, labour rights, environment, and non-corruption, and to take action to achieve social goals. The UN Global Compact calls on private sector organisations to comply with the following 10 fundamental universal principles: 10 Principles of the Global Compact Principle 1: Businesses should uphold and respect proclaimed human rights Principle 2: Businesses should not be complicit in human rights violations Labour Standards Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and collective bargaining Principle 4: No forced or compulsory labour Principle 5: No child labour of any kind Principle 6: No discrimination in recruitment and hiring Principle 7: Businesses should support precautionary approaches to environmental issues Principle 8: Businesses should support all activities and organisations that promote environmental responsibility Principle 9: Businesses should support the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies Anti-Corruption Principle 10: Businesses should fight corruption in all its forms, including bribery and extortion. Şekerlisoy Holding signed the Compact, to which being a party is entirely voluntary, on 6 April 2020. With this signature, Şekerlisoy Holding, as a party to the UN Global Compact, has committed to act in accordance with the 10 basic universal principles mentioned above and to take action to achieve social goals within this framework.
Diversity and Inclusion are an essential part of us. We believe that organisations can be more successful the more diverse cultures and perspectives they have. Our main goal is to provide equal opportunities and development for both women and men. This is our key driver for leading the way in Diversity & Inclusion, as well as contributing to growing our talent pool and strengthening our strong reputation in the market. We focus on 6 areas of equal opportunities. Age, Disability, Ethnicity & Culture, Gender, Religion, Sexual Identity. As a Holding, we will continue to create work environments that celebrate diversity and equality, celebrate the uniqueness of each individual and encourage all voices to be heard.